Honoring Our Seasons of Contraction

In these rapidly shifting times, we're inundated with the glamorization of fast growth and success and the perfect social media profiles that reflect a superficial, goal-oriented way of life. 

It creates unrealistic expectations of ourselves that are not sustainable. Through this, we lose touch with the natural unfolding and spaciousness within our lives. And most importantly, it misses the most valuable piece, which is our natural cycles of contraction.

I believe we all crave authenticity and integrity in a world that rewards outward achievements over inner substance. 

In this episode, I will peel back the layers down to what truly matters as I also share some of my own journey. In the following episode, I will guide you through a deeply healing meditation.

This is a WISDOM TEACHING & TRANSMISSION (not a meditation), so you can listen to it anywhere, anytime.

To accompany this, you can read more in my Blog Post, Honoring Our Seasons of Contraction. https://www.silkesart.com/blog/2022/5/honoring-our-seasons-of-contraction

I’d be honored if you like and share my Podcast with the women in your life so we create a ripple effect worldwide.


To support you in your journey, here is my EBook, 5 Keys to Transform through Fierce Gratitude:



These Shows are from my FYB Lives, which I usually host 2 times per week. Here is the Google Calendar link for when I go live on FB: https://tinyurl.com/FYB-Lives

And join other like-minded women and me in my Flourish Your Beauty FB community, and let’s connect: https://www.facebook.com/groups/169219286994412/


Connect with me through my Golden Lotus Center:

Website: https://www.goldenlotuscenter.com

IG: https://www.instagram.com/goldenlotuscenter/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/goldenlotuscenterofficial



You can also find me on my Silke’s Art:

Website: https://www.silkesart.com/

IG: https://www.instagram.com/silkesart/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/silkesart1



Intro and Outro Music: ‘Belonging’ Copyright © Rachel Catherine - used with permission.



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