Welcome to your Space for
Leading Your Life in Alignment with Your Soul in Your Fullest Expression

As women, we naturally dwell within our unique Creative Essence. And here at the Golden Lotus Center, we break free from conventional boundaries, embracing and amplifying our inherent Magic.

This is your Space for Inner Alchemy and Self Mastery in Expand Consciousness.

It’s time to play & remember that 
we came here to be powerful co-creators with Source


Hi, I'm Silke,


Creating life in the countryside of Tennessee with my husband Tim and our Cats Maple Spice & Mirabai. 

I guide Women to Activate Quantum Magic through Divine Codes of Inner Alchemy & Self Mastery in Feminine Energetics. Tap into the Magic inside my Quantum Weavers Community from anywhere in the world and start changing the trajectory of your life today.

I understand the depth of nuances we move through in our journey of self-actualization. My own path of Spiritual Growth spans over 35 years, and I am here to share my integrated knowledge and wisdom to be a catalyst of transcendence for you.

I'm a Master Healer, Master Hypnotherapist, Artist, and Leading Spiritual Teacher with a mission for women to become fully expressed.

When you are empowered, you lead from your highest potential, creating new possibilities of wholeness and abundance in yourself, your family, your space, and this world.

I can't wait to connect and support you in your transformative journey of unfolding and expansion.

It's time to embody who you were always meant to be.

You can read more about me on my Quantum Weaver website ,

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Start your Quantum Weaving Journey Today 

Join my community and Activate your Quantum Magic in synergy with your Feminine Essence and the Vastness of the Quantum Field.

Click the picture to learn more.

“Silke is the most gifted healer.
She is compassionate and very skilled.
We have seen more improvement working with Silke
than by years of treatment with medical specialists.
I highly recommend Silke!
~ Robin Watler
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See your life blossom and thrive

as you energetically shift & influence your environment 

HEAL -  from the inside out and raise your vibration like never before, so you can direct your life from a calm and strong core with balanced energy

LEARN - the Wisdom Teachings that elevate you into a whole new way of being and open your intuition to trust your instincts implicitly

CREATE - your life from a new vantage point, amplify your impact, and shift the energy around you through your vibrant & radiant presence

TRANSFORM - your life and generate a ripple effect around you of well-being and abundance in line with your highest soul potential

from a Heart-Centered & Aligned Space
“I can't recommend working with Silke enough! If you have the opportunity to work with her, jump on it. Jump on it, right now, because it will change your  life, and you will walk away changed. It will change who you are on this planet, and who you show up as in your life."
~ Stephanie Stiavetti
Gifts from me to you
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5 Keys to Transform through Fierce Gratitude

This ebook will take you on a powerful journey of transforming fear & uncertainty into inner strength and gratitude.

Invite Magic & Miracles through this unique Practice, and enhance all aspects of your life!

Get it Here
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Get Your Free Heart Meditation

Raise your vibration instantly in a gentle, loving way through connecting into your Heart Space.

All you need is 10 minutes to give yourself and change your state to deep centeredness and calmness instantly anytime!

Get it Here
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